#BeAReminiscent: A celebration of ‘Divinity Series’…

A celebration of divinity aura of dance & drama sans divisions….:)

GAC Reminiscence
3 min readNov 16, 2020

Another week of project ‘Reminiscence’ blog is out now after a hiatus… Take some time to read out! :)

In the backdrop of the #MeToo movement & more coming out from the tumble of the arts closet, we team GAC Foundation, every year bringing you all with a new theme ‘Divinity Series’. A divine celebration for the cause of feminism power. More power to feminists. Let’s always celebrate Navaratri with a lesson as female power as goddess. Let’s celebrate every year with humanity & trust & that was our motive. It marks the celebration of cultural retreat with divine forms of through tapping music & dance, garba, dandiyas, & other religious stuffs including chanting, classical fusion, etc. We have curated 3 editions from the year 2018–2020 of such events & also featured in national newspapers & on Instagram story feeds too. We also add these event achievements in our foundation’s maiden project ‘Reminiscence’.

Groupfie from the event #DivinitySeries2018 curated by our foundation.
A synopsis from the event #DivinitySeries2019 curated by our foundation.

Coping up with the lockdown…

Unlike every year, this year was quite different. We tried conducting this year #DivinitySeries2020 third edition of this event which usually we curate y our foundation on the eve of Navaratri festival. On the Dussehra day, the last day of Navaratri festival. GAC Foundation decided to curate this event unlike every year, but in an unusual way this year few days back during the festivities. The entire team contributed a lot. We tried to manage all the stuffs within a short spam of time due to covid-19 pandemic taking precautions regarding safety measures, we still able to manage it & made it even more bigger & a better way!

Look at the cheer & enthusiasm in these kids, their efforts are contagious! :) We presented various forms of all the divine stuffs that this time in a different manner, we prepared with love taking safety precautions due to covid-19. Yes everyone were masked! 😜

We had fancy dress drama related to Tridevis (Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati- the Goddess of courage, wealth & wisdom) Ram Darbar featuring victory of good over evil on the occasion of Dussehra. Can’t express you the divine grace of God & Goddess this year & thus we’re telling you our story through this blog. A miraculously event happened after a hiatus in such a short spam of time & It was a presentation of divine aura in the atmosphere, thankfully we were able to work on it even in this period. It was a kickstart with the celebration of colourful event after a hiatus with a full fledged Dussehra festival. :)

It was indeed a divine aura in the atmosphere with dashing lights, portraying the roles of many God’s & Goddess. #DivinitySeries2020 event goes digital/virtual too, in it’s own distinct style & panache. We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up by taking initiatives to promote arts & culture at any stage and take the lead.

Thank you note! Our GAC Foundation founder Sri Valli Sitaraman conveys her heartfelt message & thanks to everyone for their love & support. Do take a time to read this. :-) ❤
Groupfie from the event #DivinitySeries2020 curated by our foundation.

Divine celebration it’s another great tool for supporting women around the world. Artists acting as a strong weapon to deliver this message through dance, drama, artistic recitals to masses. So, while some take a stand on international tribunes, many artists promote the idea of feminism and empower women through their arts & culture.

These are the changing aspects of celebration of feminism in theme to the modern world & will have a string of shows planned for the near future.

Fostering Culture & Creativity!

Unleash Reminiscence! Be A Reminiscent!



GAC Reminiscence

Fostering Culture & Creativity. A new paradigm in connecting talent with opportunity in arts education. We - #BeAReminiscent & we unleash our own creativity! :)